Observed and urbanization-adjusted annual maximum peak discharge and associated urban fraction and precipitation values at USGS streamgage:

Observed annual peak-flood magnitudes were adjusted to 2010 land-use conditions on the basis of panel data regression model with fixed effect analysis.  The symbols presented in the figure are: "observed annual peaks", "adjusted annual peaks", and   "fraction of urbanization in the watershed"

Legend for Graph

Water year Segment Discharge code Cumulative reservoir storage (acre-feet) Urban fraction Precipitation (inches) Observed peak discharge (ft3/s) Adjusted peak discharge (ft3/s) Exceedance probability
1989 0 C 420 0.789 1.633 497 -- --
1990 0 C 765 0.792 2.107 1990 -- --
1991 0 C 2181 0.793 1.563 1070 -- --
1992 1 CD 2181 0.793 1.598 615 689 0.845
1993 1 C 2181 0.794 1.816 1100 1200 0.371
1994 1 C 2181 0.795 0.804 945 1030 0.520
1995 1 CD 2181 0.796 1.283 858 938 0.607
1996 1 C 2181 0.797 6.008 3980 4190 0.005
1997 1 C 2181 0.798 2.617 1910 2040 0.059
1998 1 C 2181 0.799 1.282 1090 1180 0.387
1999 1 C 2200 0.800 0.762 1200 1290 0.286
2000 1 C 2200 0.801 1.294 938 1020 0.532
2001 1 C 2200 0.808 0.820 1070 1150 0.416
2002 1 C 2200 0.816 2.587 1680 1770 0.103
2003 1 C 2200 0.823 1.112 668 716 0.822
2004 1 C 2200 0.830 1.264 989 1040 0.514
2005 1 C 2200 0.837 1.453 1380 1430 0.208
2006 1 C 2200 0.844 2.359 573 600 0.913
2007 1 C 2200 0.851 3.077 1460 1490 0.186
2008 1 C 2200 0.859 3.015 2410 2440 0.032
2009 1 C 2200 0.866 1.114 2140 2150 0.047